Delft is one of the oldest cities in The Netherlands, which was already established as early as 1246. Delft is nicknamed ‘de Prinsenstad’ (the Prince’s City), because William of Orange, the first in the Dutch royal line, held court in Delft in the 16th century. Other famous historical figures who once lived and worked in Delft are the painter Johannes Vermeer, the inventor of the microscope Anthonie van Leeuwenhoek, and lawyer Hugo Grotius, who laid the foundations for international law.
The city has a beautiful, well-preserved, lively historical centre, with characteristic canals, ancient merchant houses, old churches and the splendid city hall, making it valued by tourists throughout the year. Visitors can choose from a variety of good-quality accommodations.
Delft is situated in the province of South Holland between the cities of Rotterdam and The Hague, in the central (western) part of the Netherlands.
Tourist Information
On the following website all the information you need for a visit to Delft: Tourist information
This website contains, among others, recommended restaurants, good places to have a drink and the hotspots you must see when staying in Delft.
Coastal Dynamics 2021
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TU Delft Aula Conference CentreTU Delft Aula Conference CentreMekelweg 5 2628CC Delft Netherlands